Our Association

Lancaster and District Angling Association has been established for over 100 years. We have a five mile stretch of the river Lune available to members with good Salmon, Sea Trout and Brown Trout fishing.

The North West’s Premier Salmon Fishery

We provide reasonably priced fishing for Salmon, Sea Trout and Brown Trout for local and visiting anglers.

Annual Membership

We have local membership for anglers living within a 12 mile radius of Lancaster
and associate membership for anglers outside of that area.

There is an initial joining fee equivalent to the annual membership.

Day Tickets

Day Tickets are only available on weekdays, they are valid from 08:00 to 22:00 on the day of purchase.

Day ticket anglers must release all Salmon caught as carefully as possible.

Caton Day Ticket Beat

Please see the boundaries of this beat on the map available to download below

Local By Laws Apply

Anglers must be in possession of a current EA licence.

Regulations for methods of fishing

  • Spinning and worm fishing is only permitted when the river height exceeds 1 ft 6″ on the Caton gauge (above the red band on markers).
  • Anglers worm fishing for salmon must use circle hooks only.
  • An effective unhooking device must be carried by all anglers at all times. eg. Artery forceps or suitable commercial disgorgers. 
  • No prawn or shrimp fishing at any time.
  • All salmon caught must be returned alive.

The season for salmon is from 1st February to 31st October

The season for migratory trout is from 1st April to 30th September

The season for non-migratory trout is from 15th March to 30th September

Incidents of poaching and pollution should be reported to the E.A. Hotline 0800 80 70 60

Membership Application Form


  • Proposers and Seconders should be Officers of an existing angling club who have known you for two years.
  • Letters from Proposers  and Seconders should be sent to the Membership Secretary at the time of application.
  • By making this application you agree to storage of this data for use within LDAA.

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